Healthcare IT Support
At Branch Technologies we understand your practice needs to be running efficiently all the time, and we understand the urgency in resolving issues in a timely manner. Branch Technologies strives to ensure your medical practice is working optimally and is protected from disaster and security threats.
Live Support
When you need IT support for your medical practice we know it is imperative that you get help immediately. We offer 24/7 support remotely to get you back up as fast as possible.
HIPAA Security
Focusing on the healthcare industry puts HIPAA in the forefront for Branch Technologies. We make sure all of our customer networks are secure and meet HIPAA standards, we also offer comprehensive security risk assessments which include a final report and review of company policies and procedures. The healthcare industry has been under attack from hackers, being targeted with ransomware which encrypts all file data and medical records in demand for payment to provide the decryption key. It’s not just about being compliant with HIPAA standards to avoid audits, the security required also ensures your client’s private medical data is safe and protected.
Cloud Services
Branch Technologies operates a central cloud security console, which we leverage to maintain your systems and keep your organization protected. We can also provide you with off-site backups, and a comprehensive backup and disaster recovery plan.